Why feeling contempt for your partner is a recipe for divorce.

Feeling contempt for your partner is a serious issue because it erodes intimacy and communication, ultimately leading to relationship breakdown and potential divorce.

Contempt is the most significant predictor of divorce, and for a good reason. It strips away any semblance of the essential respect that defines a healthy relationship (of any kind), let alone a marriage.

Disgust charges contempt for the other person, and that disgust leaks out in the cruelest of ways. Contempt is mean. And it’s intended to be mean… It comes from a place of self-assigned superiority that isn’t satisfied until the other person is demeaned and broken. Tactics such as sarcasm, biting humor, mocking, name-calling, and negative body language assail a partner at his/her core.

Here’s why contempt is so destructive in relationships:

Erosion of Trust and Intimacy:  Contempt creates a climate of disrespect and devaluation, making it difficult to feel safe and vulnerable, which are crucial for building trust and intimacy.

Communication Breakdown:  When one partner feels disrespected or belittled, defensiveness and emotional distance can result, leading to ineffective communication and conflict escalation.

Emotional Disconnection:  Contempt fosters emotional distance, as one partner feels disregarded or devalued, leading to a weakening of the emotional bond and a sense of disconnection.

Deterioration of Self-Esteem:  Constant exposure can damage self-esteem, as one partner may internalize negative beliefs about themselves and their worthiness.

Relationship Failure:  Contempt is a major predictor of relationship failure and divorce, as it signals a breakdown of respect and admiration, which are essential for a healthy relationship.

Mental and Physical Health Impacts:  Contempt can lead to anxiety, depression, high stress levels, and other negative health consequences, highlighting its detrimental impact on overall well-being.

The Four Horsemen:  Contempt is one of the “Four Horsemen” identified by The Gottman Institute, alongside criticism, defensiveness, and stonewalling, which are strong indicators of relationship problems.

Resentment and Disgust:  Can stem from accumulated resentment and a feeling of unfairness, leading to a sense of disgust and a lack of empathy for the partner.

Lack of Appreciation:  Makes it difficult to appreciate your partner’s positive qualities, further exacerbating the negative feelings and behaviors.

Contact Chana Pfeifer, LCSW for more information on counseling.

Follow Chana on Instagram

Gift Ideas if Your Partner’s Love Language is Acts of Service

A theory conceived by Dr. Gary Chapman in 1995, a “love language” is the way in which people give and recognize love. According to this theory, there are 5 love languages: Words Of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. Although you can have elements of all five within your personality, for the most part, people speak primarily one love language.

If your partner’s love language is Acts of Service, here are some gift ideas to help make them feel truly loved and appreciated.

make them their morning coffee/tea/drink

Bringing your love a cup of their favorite beverage in the morning is a sweet way of starting the day with an act of service. This sets the tone for the rest of the day based off of a positive interaction between you two. A small gesture of serving one another shows that we actively think of and care for our partner.

Do Their Chores

Someone whose love language is Acts of Service is really going to love a gift in which their partner is providing an action to help them out in daily tasks. So give them a break with chores! Wash the dishes or tidy up a room that needs cleaning. Anything that helps your partner relax is a gift worth getting. It’s all about showing up for them when they need help.

prepare a meal

We eat everyday, and that takes planning. Take the initiative and prepare a meal for your spouse. It will make them feel nurtured. You don’t need to cook if you can’t, order something for takeout that you know they love to eat.

Give Them A Day Off

Giving your partner a day to themselves is considered the ultimate service in a relationship because it shows you respect their need for individual time, prioritize their well-being, and are willing to take on extra responsibilities to ensure they have a completely free day to recharge and pursue their own interests, completely unburdened by household tasks or other obligations.

The reality is, we all don’t love the same way. And, if we’re going to make our relationships work, we need to figure out how we like to be loved and how our partner likes to receive love.

It’s not necessary that we speak the same language when it comes to showing love, but it is necessary to understand each other’s needs.

Follow Chana Pfeifer, LCSW on Instagram

Conscious Dialogue example in Imago Relationship Therapy

Conscious dialogue within a marriage relationship refers to a mindful, intentional, and respectful communication style that fosters deeper understanding, empathy, and connection between partners.

Here are key elements:

  • Active listening: Fully present and attentive to each other.
  • Awareness: Recognizing emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations.
  • Honesty: Authentic and transparent sharing.
  • Non-judgment: Avoiding criticism or assumption.
  • Empathy: Understanding and validating each other’s perspectives.
  • Clarity: Clear expression of needs, desires, and boundaries.


  • Deeper intimacy and connection.
  • Conflict resolution and prevention.
  • Increased trust and understanding.
  • Emotional intelligence growth.
  • Healthier communication patterns.


  • Schedule regular, dedicated conversations.
  • Use “I” statements instead of “you” statements.
  • Ask open-ended questions.
  • Reflect and paraphrase to ensure understanding.
  • Show gratitude and appreciation.

By incorporating conscious dialogue, couples can strengthen their bond, navigate challenges effectively, cultivate emotional intelligence, and foster a supportive environment.

Conscious Dialogue example in Imago Relationship Therapy with Chana Pfeifer, LCSW in Long Island, New York:

Couples counseling involves a lot of communication, a conscious communication. Chana breaks down the fundamentals of how to talk, how to listen, and how to grow together as a couple for optimal long term success.

Would you like more information or specific tips?

For more info. on counseling, contact Chana Pfeifer, LCSW.

Offices in Cedarhurst, NY & West Hempstead, New York + Virtual Availability

Creating a Safety Plan for Leaving an Abusive Partner

A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan to help improve your wellbeing while experiencing abuse, preparing to leave an abusive situation, or after you leave. Take some time to go through each part of this safety plan for leaving an abusive partner.

Your safety plan should include the following:

  • Friends, family, colleagues, social workers that you can confidentially speak to about the abuse. These people can be told about the abuse and you can notify them if you need help. They can be advised in advance of who to call / what to do if you need help. (Example: call police if I’m afraid for my safety). My code word for family / friends to know I need help is… I will share this word with them and let them know what it means if / when I use it.
  • Non-safe people you shouldn’t say anything about your situation to.
    This list includes people who would potentially tell your abusive partner/spouse about your plans to leave. They will ultimately get in the way of your exit, or make your child’s experience more challenging.
  • If you had to leave home in an emergency, what safe place can you go to? This can be a nearby police station, church, store, restaurant, or any other place that’s open and has people around. These are places you can go to if you need to leave immediately or without much preparation.
  • Places to call if in danger: 911, domestic violence hotlines, housing shelters, social workers.
  • Essential items to take with you if you decide to leave. If you need to get away quickly, pack a bag and hide it either in the home (if you feel safe doing so) or keep it somewhere else or with someone else. Items to consider collecting are: Identification (driver’s license, school ID, military ID, immigration documents), Cell Phone / Charger, Medication, Cash, ATM card, House Key, Car Key, Clothes, Comfort Items (favorite stuffed animal or photograph), Baby Supplies (formula, diaper, wipes, change of clothes), Copy of Protection/Restraining Order, Child’s Birth Certificate, Health Insurance Card
  • Establish financial autonomy before leaving, if possible. Save enough money to get your own place, get a credit card / checking account in your own name. Even if you don’t have a job yet, open a savings account. This step should be done with as much confidentiality as possible to not alert your partner of your plans.
  • Get your own phone that your abusive partner does not have access to or knowledge of. Get a throw-away phone and hide it if necessary. Tracking messages is just one way technology can be used by an ill-intentioned romantic partner to monitor, intimidate, and control you — and they don’t have to be a tech wizard to manipulate it. If an abuser gets access to your phone, they can unassumingly squirm into every aspect of your digital life, from private messages to location history. If you have the means, buy a prepaid burner phone (a phone with minimal voice or data services, which are designed to be used sparingly and should not be attached to any shared credit cards) with cash, so you can contact your support network without being tracked.
  • Go through your social media. Have you shared passwords to any accounts with your partner? Be sure to think about all of your online accounts such as Facebook, email, website, WiFi, instant messaging, online banking, home security networks, etc.. Be sure to change the passwords, emails associated, and maybe the profile pictures as well. Or you can start new social profiles to make sure there’s no overlap. You should secure your accounts to prevent further access. You can do this by setting up security measures like two-factor authentication, which requires access to a specific physical device to log in to accounts. But first, it’s a good idea to sign up for a new email address. With access to your email, an abuser can capture password-reset notices, create custom filters to hide messages, or gain access to any details you change.
  • Childcare options – who could watch your children if you need childcare in an emergency? What word/phrase can you use as a code between you & your children to let them know that they need to call for help?
  • Practice ahead of time & rehearse your escape plan so you know it like the back of your hand. If you have kids who are old enough to understand, teach them what to do when the time comes.
REMEMBER: You are the expert in your own situation. It can also be helpful to start this process with a social worker that you trust.

If you find yourself in a situation like this, you can reach out to me to discuss your safety plan for leaving an abusive partner. For more information on counseling, call (516) 592-1107.

Brief Meditation Before Marital Counseling with Chana Pfeifer

Brief Meditation Before Imago Marital Counseling with Chana Pfeifer, LCSW in Long Island, New York

Before starting Imago relationship therapy with a married couple in NY, Chana Pfeifer gives them a couple of minutes to breathe, connect, and center themselves into the present moment. This gives both people a chance to ground themselves and get into their intentions with the therapy session.

Brief Meditation:  One thing I appreciate about you as my partner/spouse/husband/wife is…..

Awareness and communication are what makes a connected relationship work. If you feel you are having difficulty communicating with your partner, it would be beneficial to have a therapist guide you in the process.

Sometimes, couples become so emotionally disconnected and stuck in negative patterns that it is difficult to talk openly and honestly. If this feels like you, then reaching out to a professional social worker could be a great step toward having a connected relationship.

Chana Pfeifer is currently seeing clients through telehealth virtual platforms and in-person in Nassau County, Long Island.

For additional information on counseling, call (516) 592-1107

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The 4 Pillars of a Partnership:

While working on problems is one way to improve a long-term relationship, it’s just as important to reflect on your partner’s good qualities and the positive aspects of your connection. Below you can find what the 4 pillars of a partnership entail.

Can you be your true self around your partner?  Is your dynamic mostly drama-free and peaceful?  Do you have a friendship, as well as feelings of lust?  Do you work well as a team?  Is your partner inspiring you to be a better person / supporting you emotionally?  Is there trust and open communication?

Here’s a checklist for a sustainable relationship from Amy Chan / Breakup Bootcamp Founder (@missamychan on Instagram). She helps people create healthy relationships.

The 4 Pillars of a Partnership:

  1. Chemistry – connection and attraction

  2. Compatibility – alignment of values and vision

  3. Timing – if it’s the perfect person at the wrong time, it’s the wrong person

  4. Mutuality – two people who are equally invested in building the relationship and have the ability and capacity to do so

Spend a few minutes reflecting on how each of these apply to your relationship. Chances are, you won’t have everything in balance, but that’s ok. The lesson here isn’t to pretend like your relationship doesn’t have issues, or obsess about the things that are lacking. There’s a lot there when you know what to look for. Keep in mind, that’s there’s always room for improvement in any relationship.

If you are looking for more information about Imago relationship counseling on Long Island, contact us.

With the professional guidance of a licensed counselor, couples can develop adaptive strategies to resolve conflicts and address challenges together with confidence.


(516) 592-1107

Individual, premarital, and couples therapy provided in a confidential and supportive atmosphere.

Offices available in:

West Hempstead, NY – Chana Pfeifer
Huntington, NY – Robin Newman
Miller Place, NY – David Weber

Couples Therapy in West Hempstead, NY

Couples Therapy in West Hempstead, New York with Chana Pfeifer

Local Long Island Counseling Services – Speak with an Imago Relationship Therapist – Get the Support You Need Today to Create a Future You Desire.

Any two people who want to grow in their relationship can seek counseling together. You don’t have to be married or experiencing huge relationship problems to benefit from a professional’s support and advice.

Couples choose to go to relationship counseling for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Transitions in life causing tension (job changes, financial difficulties, moving).
  • Overcoming feelings of dissatisfaction in their relationship (no fun, passion, closeness, intimacy).
  • Addressing serious relationship challenges (infidelity, health problems, abuse).
  • Preparation for marriage with premarital therapy.

If you and your partner are experiencing any issues in your relationship or you just want to work on yourself and determine how to improve your relationship health, working with a relationship therapist can help.

Therapy helps couples discover underlying issues while providing effective tools for preventing future issues to happen.

Chana will help each partner make clear what s/he needs, so both feel safe to share it. She assists couples in difficult times come into safety and connection.

For Couples Therapy in West Hempstead, New York: Call (516) 592-1107

Contact Chana Pfeifer, LCSW. She is seeing clients in West Hempstead, NY and also through telehealth services.

Premarital Counseling Questions Couples Should Talk About:

Below are a few premarital counseling questions couples should talk about regarding: Property / Land / Estate Rights

What happens when I put my new spouse’s name on my real property? What happens when I don’t?

Who’s home will you or your new spouse live in?

How will this be handled if you are the first to die and it is legally your house?

How will it be handled if you are the second to die and it is not legally your house?

Do you really want to trust adult step-children to protect your right to live somewhere?

How can the right to live somewhere that is not your property be secured and protected?

Is your pre-marital retirement account 100% yours if you get married?

How do you protect your retirement accounts for your named beneficiaries or children?

Is it possible to split beneficiary designations on retirement accounts? How?

Can you give your new spouse the income from your retirement account but keep the principal for your children?

How can you benefit your new spouse with your retirement accounts without risking your new spouse changing the beneficiary designations?

What happens to the furniture in your house that belonged to your deceased spouse?

Are you really going to depend on verbal agreements with a deceased person to protect you in all these matters?

Who will hold your property Power of Attorney, the new spouse or an adult child?

There’s a myriad of things to go over before getting married and a great place to work out these issues is in premarital counseling.

Get clarity around your expectations / thoughts surrounding things like:

  • Children
  • Home type and location
  • Career paths
  • Financial Goals
  • Leisure life
  • Religion
  • Boundaries with family

Contact Chana Pfeifer – she is currently seeing clients through telehealth virtual platforms and in-person (socially-distanced).

Follow Chana on Facebook!

Long Island counselor helping couples before getting married.

Long Island marriage counselor Chana Pfeifer is helping couples before getting married…

The key to a successful marriage is finding the right person (for you). But how do you know if it’s right for sure before you walk down the aisle?

That’s where premarital counseling comes in. These are services for couples who want to make sure their relationship is off to a good start before they commit for the long-term.

Here’s how premarital counseling can help couples thinking about getting married:

1. Learn to communicate effectively.

One of the most important things in a relationship is communication. But it’s not always easy to communicate effectively; we all know how excruciating it can be not being understood by your partner. Counselors can help you learn how to communicate with one other so that you can avoid misunderstandings and jump back from arguments quickly and without resentment!

2. Resolve any on-going conflicts.

Even the happiest of couples argue from time to time. But if you’re constantly fighting, it’s a sign that something is wrong and it’s not being resolved. Counselors can help mediate an argument so you can resolve your differences and move on from the disagreement without causing more damage to the relationship.

3. Set realistic marriage expectations.

It’s important to have realistic expectations for your relationship. Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment! Counselors can help you understand and express what you both expect from the marriage so that you can adjust your expectations accordingly, and be on the same page. They can help you set financial goals, decide how to raise your children, and figure out where you want to live. By planning for a successful future, you can make sure that your marriage gets off to a good start.

4. Mentally prepare for the wedding itself.

Wedding planning can be stressful, and pre-marital couples therapy can help you get through it. A counselor will help you figure out what’s important to you and your partner on the big day. You can clarify who you want (or not want) to invite, what will go on, where it will take place, when and why you want to.

If you’re considering getting married, counselors can help you prepare for a lifetime of happiness. By getting counseling before you tie the knot, you can avoid many of the problems that can ruin a marriage.

If you’re not sure you’re ready for marriage, counseling can help you figure it out. A therapist will ask you questions about your relationship and what you’re expecting from marriage. They’ll also give you some time to think about your decision so that you can be sure you’re making the right choice.

Counseling can help you communicate better, resolve conflicts, understand one other better, set realistic expectations, and plan for a successful future.

Helping couples before getting married – if you want to make sure your relationship is off to a good start, consider getting premarital counseling from Long Island marriage therapist Chana Pfeifer, LCSW.

Imago Therapy in West Hempstead, NY

Imago Therapy in West Hempstead, NY with Chana Pfeifer, LCSW

Imago therapy was created by Drs. Harville Hendrix & Helen LaKelly Hunt, internationally-respected couples’ therapists, educators, speakers, and New York Times bestselling authors. Together, they’ve written over 10 books with more than 4 million copies sold including, Getting The Love You Want: A Guide for Couples. In addition, Harville has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey television program 17 times!

Chana Pfeifer, LCSW * The Happier Me
Chana Pfeifer with Harville Hendrix

One of the most important components of Imago therapy is that it’s not about being right. The idea behind Imago therapy is that two people can have completely different world views, and it doesn’t mean that one is right and the other is wrong.

The goal in this is not to be right. It’s not proving a point. It’s about actively listening, being heard, validation, and being in tune with our partner.

To assist the transformation of all relationships, Harville & Helen co-created IMAGO RELATIONSHIP THERAPY, which is applicable to couples, families, parents, and professionals who seek to be more effective in their life and relationships.

Learn how to connect through differences and become more present in all of your relationships.

For additional information on Imago Therapy in West Hempstead, contact Chana Pfeifer, LCSW today.

Follow The Happier Me on Facebook.