How to be more interesting with every person you meet.

Dates can be fun & exciting, but they also can be uncomfortable & intimidating. If you’re single and feel as though the act of going on dates is getting stale / boring, learn to shake up the conversation. Just remember: a date shouldn’t be a job interview with cocktails. And, let’s face it… it can be hard to get to know someone without sounding like you’re interrogating them.

To create a natural conversation that ebbs and flows, make sure to balance what you ask them about. Try not to overload them with important life questions all at once. The goal is to enjoy the time spent with this new person, even if it doesn’t work out. Appreciate the experience and have a laugh. In the meantime, you can practice your conversation skills.

How to level up your life and be more interesting with every person you meet (by Vanessa Van Edwards):

“If you want to be a more interesting person, you have to do interesting things.” – VANESSA VAN EDWARDS

Here’s how you can level up your life & be more interesting with every person you meet (read the full article from Science of People here – it’s really great!)
  • Ask someone about the weirdest thing they have ever eaten.
  • What’s on their bucket list & if you can help them accomplish any of it.
  • Ask someone about the movie that most changed their life.
  • Ask someone about a new skill they are learning.
  • Ask someone about their personal passion project.
  • What their New Year’s Resolutions were & if they accomplished them.

Break auto-pilot & social scripts with your questions — you’ll be rewarded with great answers.

First-date conversation starters are the secret to avoiding awkward silences and nervous laughter. Expressing genuine interest in your date and bringing up intriguing topics can make for an unforgettable memory (or, at the very least, a date that isn’t boring).

As you explore these questions, don’t forget to share details about your life. Research shows that self-disclosure makes you more likable and helps others feel comfortable opening up to you.