The most common relationship dealbreakers.

The most common relationship dealbreakers.

The most common relationship dealbreakers (h/t to Justin Lehmiller).

“A study of 2,445 heterosexual, European adults aged 18-45 rated how likely they would be to reject a potential partner based on each characteristic.

Ratings for short- and long-term relationships were collected separately.

The results yielded 7 distinct factors that constituted the most common relationship dealbreakers.

These factors were:
  1. Unambitious (indecisive, no sense of purpose)
  2. Hostile (unfriendly, grumpy)
  3. Filthy (dirty, stinky)
  4. Arrogant (egotistical, overly opinionated)
  5. Unattractive (physically unappealing)
  6. Clingy (insistent, eager to commit)
  7. Abusive (aggressive, violent)”

Do you agree with any/all of these relationship dealbreakers?

Let me know what you think on Facebook!

Original source from Chris Williamson.