What counts as infidelity?

Infidelity Counseling Long Island: What counts as infidelity?

Infidelity is becoming an alarmingly common problem with couples in various stages of their relationship.

infidelity counseling Long IslandInfidelity refers to the scenario in which one partner in a relationship breaks the promise to be faithful to the other. This problem must be dealt with as soon as it becomes apparent otherwise its negative influence can start to creep into various aspects of your life.

Due to changing family and social values, peoples’ lifestyles have changed dramatically too, and the increase in instances of infidelity is very strongly related to it. To get a sense of how rampant this problem is, a survey was carried out recently that showed while 90% of people in a relationship consider infidelity to be unacceptable, approximately 20% of partners engage in it at some time or another.

What counts as infidelity?

The definition of “infidelity” is literally “disloyalty,” but what counts as cheating in a relationship can vary from person to person. Women normally place a lot of emphasis on emotional attachment and attraction when defining disloyalty, whereas, for a lot of men, cheating encompasses physical relations with another.  This is why some people believe that infidelity only occurs when one partner has sex outside of the relationship while according to others, cyber or emotional affairs may also count as disloyalty.

Effects of infidelity.

From a psychological perspective, infidelity can have an extremely detrimental effect on the un-involved party’s psychological and emotional health. The faithful partner may experience signs of depression, low self-esteem, and even fits of rage. It can also have negative physiological effects on the loyal partner, such as lack of sleep, overeating, or under-eating.

Not only does infidelity impact the partners, but if they have children, they too can come in the middle of the problem and be exposed to negative stimuli. Infidelity can erode the foundation of various familial relationships and take a toll on the parties’ physical and emotional health. This is why infidelity is a multi-faceted problem, and couples must seek professional help as soon as they discover it.

Chana Pfeifer is an excellent marriage counselor who can help couples facing issues with cheating and disloyalty resolve those problems and find effective solutions.

How can you cope with infidelity?

While infidelity may severely damage a relationship, there is still a chance to salvage it with appropriate help and counseling. If both partners are willing to make an effort to solve their disputes, and the unfaithful partner is ready to make a change in their behavior, the probability of the relationship’s survival goes up.

While no one reason can account for a partner’s infidelity, often communication problems, dissatisfaction with the current relationship, and deeper psychological issues can be a triggering factor.

If your relationship is facing any issues such as disloyalty and cheating, Chana Pfeifer is a professional counselor who can help you work through the issues you’re facing and find a way to come out better at the end.

For additional information about counseling, please call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer at TheHappierMe.LCSW@gmail.com.

Read more reviews on Facebook.

10 ingredients of a connected relationship

1.     Connect with each other through touch to feel alive EVERY day.

2.     Be responsible to REMOVE your criticism, put-downs, blaming, shaming and negativity in your relationship space.

3.     Be aware of YOUR reactivity so you don’t vomit it into the relationship.

4.     Make a big deal about what you appreciate about your partner EVERY day.

5.     Make direct eye contact with each other for at least 10 seconds EVERY day.

6.     How can you self-soothe when you are frustrated, angry or negative?

7.     Show each other respect and hold yourself responsible for what you do.

8.     Have interests, hobbies and/or other relationships outside of your relationship, which creates a more whole person with interesting bits.

9.     Carve out time for your relationship as a couple.

10.  No one has the perfect romance like the movies and lives happily ever after.. and neither will you; it’s healthy to work on your relationship.

Awareness and communication are what makes a connected relationship work. If you feel you are having difficulty communicating with your partner, it would be beneficial to have a therapist guide you in the process. Sometimes couples become so emotionally disconnected and stuck in negative patterns that it is difficult to talk openly and honestly. If this feels like you, then reaching out to a professional social worker could be a great step toward having a connected relationship.

For any questions regarding relationship therapy as an individual or couple, feel free to email me or call me at (516) 592-1107.

Chana Pfeifer, LCSW, CIT

Counseling for couples and individual adults in a safe, supportive place.

Marriage Counseling Workshop August 2019

Give your relationship a gift with this marriage counseling workshop! Let’s enhance our marriages within our homes so we can merit to build the בית־נאמן.

August 4 & August 6
10 am – 4 pm

Machon Basya Rochel Simcha Hall
137 Lawrence Ave. Lawrence, NY 11559

Join us for a marriage counseling workshop that will include:

  • Tools to experience your spouse with healing, loving & empathetic exercises
  • Individualized attention
  • Hands on approach guided by excellent facilitators
  • Personal and completely confidential

Don’t wait to renew your love and your chemistry for one another!

Call or email today to reserve your spot:

Chana Pfeifer, LCSW, Certified Imago Therapist

(516) 592-1107

$350 per couple. Lunch included.

Attending a marriage counseling workshop will reinforce your desire to remain committed to yourself, your family, or another person. It will show that you really want to learn how to reopen channels of communication.

Read more reviews about Chana Pfeifer, licensed clinical social worker, on Facebook.

Discover strategies to overcome conflict and break through.
Identify your relationship’s specific strengths and how to build on them together.
Rekindle the love that’s been buried by the day-to-day struggles of life.

If your relationship is distressed, our Long Island marriage counseling workshop will provide you with a greater understanding of your relationship, a way to use your challenges as the opportunities they are for deeper connection, and a road map for repair.

Topics discussed in pre-marital counseling sessions:

Examples of some of the topics that are discussed during pre-marital counseling sessions include:

  • Finances
  • Parenting styles
  • Communication
  • Decision making
  • Roles in the marriage

(We’ll cover these and more in my pre-marital counseling sessions and workshops.)

Create mutual goals with your partner and resolutions for your marriage.

You and your partner may have different ideas of what specifically will mean you’ve achieved a happy and successful marriage. By discussing beforehand what you both hope to get out of your marriage, you can determine a few resolutions that combine what you both want. This gives you common goals to work toward that you both believe in.

Deal with conflict in a healthy way.

Even the happiest couples experience stress and conflict, and it’s essential to learn how to deal with these constructively as you prepare for the wedding and in the years to come.

Pre-marital counseling isn’t a compatibility test or a gauntlet to run.

It’s an educational process designed to support your relationship by providing the tools and coaching you’ll need to build a fulfilling life together in the years to come.

For more info. about pre-marital counseling, please call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer at TheHappierMe.LCSW@gmail.com

Read more reviews on Facebook.

The benefits of premarital counseling:

Premarital counseling is probably one of the farthest things from your minds. However, as the date draws nearer, you may begin to wonder how it could help strengthen your relationship with your significant other.

Premarital counseling is designed to set you up in the best positive way for marriage. It helps you and your partner address the areas that couples commonly struggle with. Many people assume counseling is for people that are in the midst of challenges. But premarital counseling is to help you avoid troubling times. That means, it’s a great fit for every engaged couple.

If toxic relationship patterns can be identified early and agreed upon, the process of real change can begin.
A motivated couple can begin to explore their problems from a new perspective and learn new ways to recognize and resolve conflicts as a result of the tools provided by the therapist.
Partners can begin to build trust and improve communication.
A counselor can provide “neutral territory” to help couples agree upon and work through tough issues with support.

For additional information on premarital counseling, please call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer at TheHappierMe.LCSW@gmail.com

Read Chana’s reviews on Facebook.

Offices in both Cedarhurst and West Hempstead:

422 Berrywood Court West Hempstead, NY 11552
222 Rockaway Avenue Building 1 Cedarhurst, NY 11516

Pre-Marital Counseling Check-In


Pre-marital counseling with Chana Pfeifer, LCSW, Certified Imago Therapist.

Sunday, July 28, 2019, 9 am – 11 am

Anoz Spa Boutique 281 Nassau Blvd., Garden City South

Register before 7/12, $50 per couple.
Register after 7/12, $100 per couple.


Pre-Marital Counseling Goals:

 Learn a new way to talk and listen
 Uncover opportunities for emotional growth in relationship
 Practice tools
 Share at your comfort level

Important Topics to Discuss Before the Wedding:

 The way I would like our relationship with our parents to look like
 How I feel about discussing our issues with them
 How I feel about having children, how many I would like
 My thoughts about childcare, parenting, what I like, what I don’t like
 How I feel about money, saving, spending, debts, credit report
 Spending our free time together / apart
 How I imagine to divide household chores
 Fun activities I want to plan together
 I like to be home versus I want to go out (and travel)
 Where I envision living permanently
 A topic we have NOT discussed that I want to bring up is…


 The key to connecting is safety
 What does safety feel like?
 Focus on creating safety for each other
 Romantic love is the joy of being connected

For additional information about attending, please call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer at TheHappierMe.LCSW@gmail.com.

Read more reviews on Facebook.

Imago Relationship Therapy

What an honor to assist Drs. Harville Hendrix & Helen LaKelly Hunt and my esteemed colleagues this past weekend with 60 couples at Omega.

Harville Hendrix Ph.D. and Helen LaKelly Hunt Ph.D. are internationally-respected couples’ therapists, educators, speakers, and New York Times bestselling authors. Together, they have written over 10 books with more than 4 million copies sold, including the timeless classic, Getting The Love You Want: A Guide for Couples. In addition, Harville has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey television program 17 times!

To assist the transformation of all relationships, Harville and Helen co-created IMAGO RELATIONSHIP THERAPY, which is applicable to couples, families, parents, and professionals who seek to be more effective in their life and relationships.

They’ve also developed resources that help couples, families, and educators strengthen their relationship knowledge and skills. They are the co-founders of Imago Relationships International, a non-profit organization that has trained over 2,000 therapists and educators in 51 countries around the world.

In addition, Harville and Helen co-created the non-profit organization, RELATIONSHIPS FIRST, which helps people learn how to connect through their differences. Using a simple three-step process called “Safe Conversations,” they teach people how to become more present in all of their relationships. Click here to learn more about Drs. Harville Hendrix & Helen LaKelly Hunt.

For additional information on Imago Relationship Therapy, please call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer at TheHappierMe.LCSW@gmail.com

Marriage Counseling

If you are facing problems in your marriage and are not sure how to solve them, marriage counseling is for you.

Marriage counseling is a very special type of therapy. Its aim is to help couples communicate in a better manner so that they can work around their differences, heal, and argue with each other in a healthier way when faced with challenges in the future.

LCSWIf you are searching for an expert marriage counselor in the Long Island area, contact Chana Pfeifer.

No marriage is perfect, and it is natural that when two people with different ideas, habits, and values try and live together, there will be some conflicts naturally. Having such conflicts does not mean that your relationship is a failure, or that you and your partner will continuously be fighting.

However, at times, these conflicts may grow to become bigger issues, and if left untreated, they can severely impact your relationship.

Stress and tension in a marriage can also lead to problems at work, mutual friendships, and other familial relationships, which can lead to serious psychological issues such as depression. Therefore, if you think that your marriage is facing issues you are unable to resolve, there is no harm in seeking the help of a marriage counselor so that the situation does not become more complicated.

Marriage counseling is not only for couples who are having disagreements, conflicts or issues with their marriage, but it can also be sought by those who are simply looking to strengthen their bond with their partner. If you want to understand your partner better, marriage counseling can provide the perfect setting for you to do so. A counselor can help moderate your discussions and keep you focused on the topics you want to discuss.

You can also benefit from this therapy if you are a premarital couple, as it can help you resolve issues before you commit. It makes the path to marriage easier.

How Does Marriage Counseling Work?

In marriage counseling, the therapist will try to teach you and your spouse certain crucial communication skills. Most domestic problems are the result of not being able to communicate your point of view to your partner effectively, but therapy can help resolve that as you are given the opportunity to speak your mind freely.

The therapist will then help you look at both the negative and positive aspects of your relationship, so that you can focus on the good and work on strategies to deal with the bad.

You will also learn new communication skills that will teach you how to talk to your partner without offending him/her, and will be given opportunities to discuss your differences in a controlled manner.

The counselor will train you to solve problems together so that whenever you face any hurdles in your marriage, you have some experience in how to solve them.

Chana Pfeifer is an expert marriage counselor who can help you learn these strategies and assist you in solving domestic disputes.

For additional information about counseling, please call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer at TheHappierMe.LCSW@gmail.com

Affair Counseling Long Island

affair counseling Long IslandNo one thinks it would happen to them, but after an affair is discovered, many people find it difficult to understand why the betrayal happened…

Regardless of how you define infidelity, it comes down to one thing: betrayal.

It can severely strain a relationship and the people involved.

Perhaps you are struggling with the common emotions of anger and shock, or dealing with confusion and guilt.

Healing Broken Trust

When a couple experiences any level of betrayal it is common to ask:

How can I ever trust again?
Is this even fixable?

Trust needs to be repaired if a couple decides to stay together after an affair. This can take time and delicate attention.

Begin the conversation that will ideally bring you to a place where you can begin working on the relationship together.

Have You Been Unfaithful? Do you struggle with:

Feeling like it’s impossible to heal?
Do you wonder if you could ever make them happy again?
Feeling like you’re never good enough?
Do you wonder if you should try to heal the relationship?
Do you wonder if you should just quit trying?
Are you afraid that if you work on the relationship it won’t get better?

Has Your Partner Been Unfaithful? Do you struggle with:

Feeling like you’ll never get over the betrayal?
Do you wonder if the pain will ever go away?
Wondering if you’ll ever satisfy their needs?
With feelings of not being good enough?
Do you wonder if your life could ever get back together?
Do you wonder if you should stay or leave?

Affair Counseling Long Island, NY

Private counseling by an experienced infidelity specialist can be extremely helpful. Chana Pfeifer does not pass judgment and your time is completely confidential. Confiding in an expert can give you the support that you need and the precise guidance that you are seeking.

For additional information about counseling, please call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer at TheHappierMe.LCSW@gmail.com

Marriage Counseling Benefits

Does your mind crawl back to the day when you said “yes” to your spouse?

The words “I do” are stuck in your head like a song on repeat.. You think about all you have come across, all that you left for your partner, and all that you have accomplished together. You never would have thought about marriage counseling benefits when things were going so well.

Marriage was never meant to be a piece of cake. The day you tied the knot with your spouse wasn’t just a beginning of a fairy tale. It wasn’t just romance and honeymoon trips. Your marriage day was beyond all of this – it was the day where you were supposed to share everything in your life – from a bed, to financials, and above all, share what’s inside your hearts.

Your heart may change or disagree with something, but it wasn’t supposed to lose hope or feelings towards your partner. However, sometimes life does take U-turns and go crazy because of bumps that come along or milestones that crush you down, and it’s okay. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same anymore about him/her. The first step to overcome this hard ride is to accept the reality of your heart and mind.

Are marriage counseling services really worth it?

Next, you have to buckle up and get ready to talk. But consulting with a friend or family member isn’t the right place. Marriage counselors do have a major role in making life easier with marriage conflicts and perhaps one last try wouldn’t hurt.

Marriage Counseling Benefits: with therapy, you can start:

●       Resolving conflicts from a neutral perspective.

●       Analyzing the reasons that made you and your spouse disconnect.

●       Processing the emotions and ill feelings that led to consequences.

●       Receiving guidance to divert away from the turmoil.

●       Creating a sense of clarity with what your mind & heart want.

The entire process of realization and building communication must be addressed professionally.

Marriage Counseling Long Island When a couple is stressed, a lot of negativity takes control and makes getting back together the last resort. It makes it blurry for both individuals to understand and think for a second. Due to back-to-back fights and arguments, ill feelings towards each other mess up the foundation of what could be a great relationship.

By talking about your feelings and problems in a guided manner, a counselor tends to draw parallels between both people and address conflicts accordingly. It helps both reconcile and value the power of love and relationship.

For additional information about counseling, please call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer at TheHappierMe.LCSW@gmail.com