2019 Goodbyes & 2020’s Hellos

2019 Goodbyes & 2020’s Hellos

Somehow I am so excited 2019 is over. I have plenty to be grateful for, and lots to say good bye to.

2020's HellosI’d like to say goodbye to fear of the unknown.

2020’s hellos, I’d like to invite in curiosity of what lies ahead.

I want to let go of worrying about “not enough.”

I want to bring on noticing what I have, and bring on abundance. That it is okay to have a lot of connection, love, and even money (in theory).

I want to say, “don’t let the door hit you on the way out” to being so stressed.

I invite in noticing I am relaxed sometimes. When I’m not, I am really good at using the tools I teach in my office. I can breathe, do yoga, bring in positive thoughts, and a lot of the time, they work.

Goodbye 2019! I am really looking forward to 2020 being different.

2020’s Hellos:

Thursday, January 30, 2020: Reconnect in 2020 Couples Check-In Workshop

Class lead by Chana Pfeifer, LCSW & Imago Relationship Therapist

2020's HellosGet ready for a healthier relationship in 2020.

Attend this couples’ class on mastering connecting the modern way.

Awareness and communication are what makes a relationship work.

ANOZ Spa Boutique
281 Nassau Blvd. Garden City South, NY 11530