Mental abuse isn’t just calling someone names…

Mental abuse isn’t just calling someone names…

It’s also ignoring them, invalidating their feelings, giving them the silent treatment, and saying things that make them doubt themselves and their own reality. It is neglecting and not considering their feelings and basically treating a person like they don’t count.

It is as damaging as physical abuse, if not more.

Mental abuse encompasses a range of manipulative and controlling behaviors that aim to undermine a person’s self-esteem, sense of reality, and overall well-being, often through tactics like gaslighting, isolation, constant criticism, threats, and intimidation, even without using explicit insults.

Key points about mental abuse:

Beyond words: While verbal abuse (including name-calling) can be a part of mental abuse, it can also manifest through non-verbal actions like ignoring, silent treatment, constant belittling, or undermining someone’s opinions.

Manipulation and control: A primary goal of mental abuse is to manipulate and control the victim by making them feel dependent on the abuser, questioning their own sanity, or isolating them from support networks.

Impact on mental health: Mental abuse can significantly harm a person’s mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

Examples of abuse beyond name-calling:

Gaslighting: Making someone doubt their own perceptions and memories by denying reality or twisting situations.

Trivializing feelings: Dismissing someone’s emotions as “overreacting” or “being too sensitive”.

Public humiliation: Embarrassing someone in front of others through criticism or put-downs.

Threats and intimidation: Using threats of harm, leaving, or self-harm to control someone’s behavior.

Isolation tactics: Discouraging someone from spending time with friends and family.

Constant criticism: Finding fault with almost everything someone does, even when seemingly minor.

If you find yourself in an abusive situation of any kind, reach out for guidance and support in navigating next steps.

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Topics discussed in pre-marital counseling sessions:

Examples of some of the topics that are discussed during pre-marital counseling sessions include:

  • Finances
  • Parenting styles
  • Communication
  • Decision making
  • Roles in the marriage

(We’ll cover these and more in my pre-marital counseling sessions and workshops.)

Create mutual goals with your partner and resolutions for your marriage.

You and your partner may have different ideas of what specifically will mean you’ve achieved a happy and successful marriage. By discussing beforehand what you both hope to get out of your marriage, you can determine a few resolutions that combine what you both want. This gives you common goals to work toward that you both believe in.

Deal with conflict in a healthy way.

Even the happiest couples experience stress and conflict, and it’s essential to learn how to deal with these constructively as you prepare for the wedding and in the years to come.

Pre-marital counseling isn’t a compatibility test or a gauntlet to run.

It’s an educational process designed to support your relationship by providing the tools and coaching you’ll need to build a fulfilling life together in the years to come.

For more info. about pre-marital counseling, please call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer at

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Infertility Counseling

A diagnosis of infertility is truly heartbreaking.

After the initial shock and devastation, intense emotions may arise that alternate between rage, grief, jealousy, and denial. These emotions can be quite overwhelming, and it’s often difficult to get the support one needs from family and friends.

Regardless of the diagnosis, infertility is an unpredictable life crisis.

Infertility counseling can help sort out some of the concerns that arise during this period, and assist in making sense of the more complex emotional issues that may arise. It also provides a place to safely share all of your anxieties, fears, and thoughts without being judged.

Coping with infertility is hard, and needing help is 100% normal.

Infertility is often ranked as one of the most distressing life crises for women and couples experiencing it.

Chana Pfeifer, LCSW - infertility counselingConsider infertility counseling if your sadness, depression, worrying, and/or anxiety is prolonged and affecting areas of your life. It is important to seek professional help in times of despair. A certified therapist can teach you coping skills and strategies to hopefully alleviate some of the emotional stress you are dealing with. You don’t have to do it alone. Talk to Chana today.

For more info. on counseling, call (516) 592-1107 or email Chana Pfeifer, LCSW today.

Certified Imago Therapist

See me and hear me.. Make it safe.

Often this is the beginning of what is missing..

certified imago therapist

It’s hard to ask for help and being in a relationship can be tricky.

I appreciate people who are brave to say, “I need help with my life”, “I want to change my life”, or “I am unhappy”.

I can help transform your hopes into action.

You CAN change your life… if you have the will and desire to do so. There are no guarantees, and the work can be daunting. But if you are willing to work, together we can find a way.

As a certified Imago therapist, I help couples and individuals establish new, healthy patterns and break long-standing dysfunctional patterns.

I encourage owning your responsibility in your life. I take a holistic approach and am solution-based. I give life-changing tools leading to eventual independence. I use practical tools so couples can communicate effectively, whether you stay together or not.

As a certified Imago therapist, I love what I do. My specialty is relationships. I deal with a variety of people, whether it is navigating couples’ challenging relationships, separation, blended families, or geriatrics. I feel the variety of many issues keeps my skills sharp.

Counseling for Conscious Couples – Long Island, New York